Welcome to JUST HOLDENS Magazine, the only magazine for all Holden enthusiasts!

At last, a magazine for all Holden enthusiasts. 

  • If you believe that Holden is not just the "Commodore Car Company"

  • If you grew up with classic Holdens, Toranas and Monaros

  • If you want to learn more about classic Holdens, Toranas and Monaros

  • If you want to read stories about people just like you

  • If you are looking for more than just pictures of shiny wheels

  • If you want to read stories that aren't written just for teenagers

... this is the magazine for you.

You don't have to have a show car or super rare factory original to be in JUST HOLDENS Magazine. Our magazine is not for Australia's elite cars, its for all Holden enthusiasts.

JUST HOLDENS Magazine features the entire spectrum of Holdens from the 48-215 (FX) through to the latest from the production line this morning. Here are the regular sections in each issue.

Feature stories. "Earlies", 48-215 to today. Monaro, Torana, Commodore
Racing Holdens. V8 Supercars, V8 Supercar driver column, Historics, Drag Racing and more
Extreme Holdens. Is that "still" a Holden?
Holdens At Work
Holden Collectors
Photo Features. Double page photos that will have you staring for hours. If you thought you knew everything about Holdens we bet you see a photo or two in the Photo Features that you've never seen before.
Significant moments in "The General's" Aussie history.
Classic Brock
Road Test
Latest Holden and HSV releases
Technical. Hop up your Holden and get some more performance without mortgaging the house
Specifications. Learn about important information for your restoration.
Holden Clubs. Join and enjoy
Holden Club Events Calendar. Get out there and enjoy
Your Pages: Readers' Cars, Readers' Letters, Readers' Tech & Specs questions
Available nationally at newsagents throughout Australia & New Zealand
Subscriptions available by calling us on 1300 CAR GUY (227 489) or at our online store at www.cargoodies.com.au 

Copyright © 2005-2014 JUST HOLDENS Magazine
Unit 5 Mirra Business Park, 9 Mirra Court, Bundoora, VIC, 3083, Australia
Tel: 1300 CAR GUY (227 489)         International + 61 3 9466 7624